Streaming Telearte

TV dedicated to art and antiques

Every day live from 4:00 pm. Sunday 10:00 am.

Telearte streaming – the TV dedicated to art and antiques

Gold TV Italia tuning

MUX PERSIDERA1 (Digital Terrestrial)
Ch 32 (562 Mhz) – QAM64 I.G 1/4 Fec 5/6

Are you seeing an item you might be interested in?

Telearte has been engaged in the antique trade through telesales for over 20 years, and for the past few years you can also follow us with your cell phone or pc on our teleartetv streaming.
Follow our live coverage and remember that you can make requests or review items of interest to us during live TV coverage on digital terrestrial channel 128.
Call the live TV telephone number 06.39744494

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