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A few weeks ago, a reporter from the newsroom came to visit us to do an interview and write an article on telesales art channels:

On some channels on TV there are still people selling artwork

In this article, a bit of the history of art and antiques telesales from the 1980s to the present is explored, with all the social, technological, and legal implications that have taken turns over the last 40 years. All the steps that accompany a live TV broadcast are described. The entire process of telesales processing and all that goes with it is put under a magnifying glass.

Here is a small excerpt from the article:

Telesales channels art

Those who attend these shows are often enthusiasts, with at least a medium to high level of expertise in the field in which they make purchases or investments. Says Ivano Costantini, “With the collector I have to deal equally, I don’t take any advantage.”

Telesales channels art - Telearte warehouse

Telearte’s silver warehouse

It is interesting to see how an outsider has “seen inside” the reality of companies trading art on TV through telesales. Telesales is still considered a suitable medium for bringing antiques to everyone. People often, for a wide variety of reasons, would have no way of seeing antiques anywhere else.

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